Asset performance management (APM) encompasses the capabilities of data capture, extraction, transformation, integration, visualization and analytics tied together for the explicit purpose of improving the reliability and availability of physical assets. APM includes the concepts of condition monitoring, predictive forecasting and reliability-centered maintenance (RCM).
We have developed and implemented an asset performance management tool set that integrates product configuration data for over 1000 installed units with third party data that includes operational and performance data that covers cycles, performance, planned and unplanned outages.
The initial steps required the development of a data repository to contain installed product configuration data. The repository was expanded to include operational data from numerous sources. Applications were developed to accurately calculate reliability and availability by chosen parameter. The ability to process existing corrective actions was developed and implemented to allow for analysis and the development of recommendations to be made to field units. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) capability was developed to determine root causes for both reliability and availability. Applications were developed to provide analysis on specific events and impact the equipment planned maintenance schedule with suggested improvements. The ability to analyze fleet configurations based on operating performance statistics was incorporated into the forecasting system.
The data is also available to end users through a web based interface. Users can analyze their unit performance against the rest of the fleet. A list of potential field modifications is provided to the end user who can then determine how particular units would compare to the rest of the fleet if the modifications were installed.
Utilization of the asset performance management tools has allowed for the improvement in the quality and timeliness of the data. Data collection has been automated to reduce manual effort. The focus for new product introduction has been sharpened to address reliability, availability and maintainability. Growth opportunities have been identified based on proactive advanced inspection and there has been a reduction in the risk by reducing unplanned outages. Better management of the spare parts inventory has been improved by the enhanced outage detailed scheduling process.