When LTI was founded in 1989, hiring the “best and brightest” professionals became the key strategic element to ensuring success. Creating a corporate environment that would at once attract the very best prospective employees as well as cultivate and retain pro teams of top talent for the long term remains our primary focus. In order to attract and retain an exceptional staff, LTI created a culture around supportive principles known as our “Pro People” approach.
Simply stated, the core of LTI’s Pro People approach is a purposeful focus on our employees and those things that are important to them. What’s important to our employees is at the top of the priority list for our company. We are attentive to the needs of our consultants so that they remain attentive to the needs of our customers, without distraction. By eliminating distractions such as continuity of employment, compensation and benefits, as well as career growth, development and training, our employees are empowered to give themselves fully to providing support for their client.
Traditional business models are generally organized with Senior Leadership sitting atop a pyramid-like organization, directing the efforts of workers at lower levels to accomplish the mission of the organization. At LTI we believe in flipping the pyramid upside down. We define the role of leadership as supporting the efforts and needs of those who are providing services to our clients and ensuring they have everything they need in order to be successful.
Rather than sitting around waiting for direction “from on high,” our consultants and teams are instead empowered to take action and entrusted to make the decisions necessary to ensure success, much to the delight of our customers.
LTI’s leadership focuses on helping our employees succeed. Our employees help our clients succeed and our clients, in turn, value our company and honor us with referrals and return business. This harmonizing effect brings about “dovetailed” outcomes, where the objectives of the company, employee and client fit together seamlessly to achieve mutual success. The results of this approach are relationships that are built upon trust.
If you would like to learn more about what makes working for a Pro People company unique, check out “What Makes Us Different.”